Monday, September 20, 2010

Beatrix, Bea, Beebers, BeBe, Baby B, Bea-utiful...

Here are some really cute pictures of Beatrix. She is the happiest, sweetest, funniest little girl I have ever known. In short, she is perfection. She will be 2 on October 23 and it blows my mind away to think of that. WHERE did the last two years go?? She is starting to talk now and her favorite words are cookie, Nona, mamma, da (what she calls Chris), doggie, please and thank you (I know, I have superior mothering skills!), baby and the dreaded ba-ba. Ba-ba has become an evil word around here, she calls her drinks and any food other than cookies or bananas (which are, of course, nannas). She stands her tiny body completely straight, adopts what only can be called a Napoleonesque stance, points her chubby finger in the general direction of the chosen food item and chants "ba-ba, ba-ba, ba-ba" until you either turn the radio up loud or start hurling string cheese and cheerios at her until she is satisfied. That is about the worst of it with Bea. That and her desire to become the world's youngest party animal, this child will stay up in her bed playing with her animals and talking forever I think. All in all she is a great baby and I feel blessed every day I kiss her round cheeks or bury my face in her delicate cotton candy hair. I got it bad for Beatrix Suzann Elaine Sears. If I have time tonight I will upload my "Jackson Post" since he is pretty damn special and great at a time though, one at a time.

Soft and pretty
Bea is amazingly happy, makes me a little scared for her teenage years!
Grilled peanut butter & Jelly is a favorite
She loves goggles for some reason
You can tell she just thinks she looks cooler than anything!
Her pirate impersonation
Kissy face baby girl
Bea has a thing about making weird, silly faces for the camera. She could (ans will) do it for hours
Exhibit A
Exhibit B
Exhibit C
Exhibit D
Exhibit E (and my personal favorite...such a beauty in this one)
Exhibit F
Kind of looks like she is pooping here.
Peek-a-boo is always a surefire hit over here!
My strange naked bottom cocoon child
Reading is fun!!
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree...she is officially a lover of books!
Her new best friend "Doggie", she doesn't understand that Doggie doesn't need a bath every time she has one. Poor wet Doggie.
Now for her serious side.
always followed with a smile.
What? You guys don't watch T.V. naked??
Or dance naked?? My little freebird hippie girl.
Chunky butt
Bea thinks she's a cat
Her meows kind of sound like a sick and dying cat
And the #1 reason we have moved the cat bowls to a safe and secure location. Gross Beatrix, just gross.

Happy, dapper Bea

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