Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Today was a great day, we all watched the inauguration on TV and Jackson was fascinated by it. He has been in awe of Barack Obama for awhile and this was just the icing on the cake for him. He thinks it's so cool that he has been through two presidents already!! The whole time they were talking about how important this was because Obama is the first black president and Jackson in his infinite innocence said "why does it matter if he's black?" To him the issue of color was nothing to be surprised about. It makes me feel good that my son is living in a time where he doesn't see color. He just sees a guy that is now President and to him that makes Obama cool! There are people who love Obama, who hate him and who could care less about him. The important thing is that he IS our President now and everyone needs to just wish him well and hope he keeps his promises. The Sears house though is definitely TEAM OBAMA!!!

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