Jackson is my first born child. My son. My guy. My Jackie Boy. I was always a rather selfish child who grew up to be a young adult that was concerned for myself and what I wanted, for the most part. Don''t get me wrong, I was happy, loving, creative and good...it's just I had a streak of "I want what I want", and I was cool with that. Then on a cold, cold January evening I took a test, a test more significant and poignant than any test I have ever even attempted to take. Ironically, this test consisted of me , for lack of a better phrase, pee on a stick. About 2 seconds after I was done "taking" the test, it was obvious that I had passed. I was going to be a mom. Me. Macy Nigro, a Mother. wow. I wanted so much for this little being inside of me (who I KNEW was a boy and knew his name immediately). To teach him how to love, share, have a sense of humor and to always be cool. The music he would be introduced to in utero would take care of the cool quotient, the boys favorite bands are Pink Floyd, The Beatles and The Gorillaz. Most of all I wanted this baby boy to know that he was the most important thing in the world to me. The second his smashed, purple, bloody Liam Neeson looking little body was lowered onto my chest I realized that Jackson would always hold the soft part of my heart. He is a loyal, kind, funny, smart, neurotic, hyper and absolutely wonderful child to have. He gave me something other than myself to care about, he gave me hope and dreams. He is my legacy and I want to scream from the top of buildings how much I adore this crazy, crazy guy of mine. I hope that Jackson gives all of you at least half of the joy that he brings me, if so then your cup is already running over. Enjoy some of my favorite recent pictures of the man himself!
This is the blankie that I loved and used when I was a child. I decided when he was born I would give it to him, I never realized that blankie would become the greatest piece of material to ever exist! He loves the damn ugly, ratty, holey, frayed and faded 30+ year old blanket. As do I. If you are wondering, yes, he does wear it like a cape 90% of the time. Although I think it looks a little more like a white, somewhat shorter, glitzed down version of James Brown!

After waking up from the one nap he has taken in maybe 4 years
and this is the face I get when I say "no"...I have become immune to it's sad cuteness
Such a little sleeping angel. Yeah right!
My future Ansel Adams. If Ansel Adams had one side of his head that looked like a rocket ship went through it
Most likely watching Spongebob.
This is the face and stance he will give any boys that dare come to our house to try to date Beatrix
Going into the thorny rosebush was a great photo op. Coming out of the thorny rosebush was a not so great effort in concentration
Jackson is on top of the world. Or at least the giant rock at Antioch Park, which is really the same thing in a seven year old eyes!
Dancing at his Uncle Justin's wedding. This kid has got some seriously good moves, I think he danced for 3 hours straight. I would throw water at him occasionally and hope it connected with his mouth.