The answer is...who doesn't love a naked baby! Bea is getting so big...and I'm not sure if I like it!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Beatrix has been making so many noises lately, some not quite human. She will coo and gurgle just as cute as any baby, but after a minute she turns into this little, grunting monster girl. I still think it's cute though!
Jackson and Phil
Jackson's class has a stuffed bear named Phil that they take turns bringing home and then we write about what we did with him and the kids draw pictures of their adventures. Yesterday was Jackson's turn, so we had Phil, the kind-of dirty and definately stinky bear with us all night. I found out that Phil is very particular, he HAD to have tacos. He also wanted to play outside, luckily it was nice yesterday so we were able to! I'm just really glad the ice-cream man didn't come along because I know Phil would have needed an ice-cream and stuffed bear and ice-cream do not seem like a match made in heaven.

Saturday, February 21, 2009
She's so sad...
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Action Jackson
He really is such a sweet darling boy! Sometimes he can act a little possessed, but then he saves himself with his genuine compassion and love. I really could not ask for a better son. He thinks about other people and their feelings and to me that is his single greatest quality!
He is such a mamas boy...and I love it!!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Will you be my valentine??
Jackson had a valentines day party at school last Friday and Drew and I went to celebrate with him and decorate cookies. He is getting to be such a big boy, he amazes me daily with everything he does!
Cause she's a know what that means!
Beatrix is getting professional portraits done at 3, 6, 9 and 12 months that will eventually be put in a beautiful panel that charts her growth. We went for her 3 month shoot a week ago and she was perfect! I know everyone says that about their kids...but this time it's true! She was quite the little ham when Lea started taking pictures! Here is one example of how darn cute she is!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
The camera cometh...
My camera "mysteriously" broke over the summer. Thank goodness my mom is so nice and let me use hers all the time ( thanks mom!!) I thought I would just have to shell out money to buy a new one, which I had no desire to do. My Kodak easy share is the greatest camera I have ever had! The screen is big, it's easy to use and download pictures...I had already paid for it!! Well I was digging around in my email a month ago or so and found my receipt ( I had bought the camera online) hidden away in some random file. Long story short, my camera showed up to be fixed on 2/6/2009, the warranty expired 2/7/2009. I am either incredibly lucky or incredibly stupid!! It cost $6.00 to mail it in as opposed to $80 - 150 for a whole new camera! So we have been picture crazy today!! Thought I would share a few!
Bea was so hungry the other night I think she tried to eat parts of her face! Poor baby!
Nothing says funny like a baby in a pirate least to these two!

This is how I like to think of Jackson and Beatrix...

This is how I like to think of Jackson and Beatrix...
And this is how they usually are!!
One day she will get into an Ivy league college and this is the image I will have in my head!!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Friday, February 6, 2009
A work of art
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