Well 2008 will be over in 3 hours, and it was a GREAT year for us. Jackson started pre-K and is LOVING it. He cannot wait until he gets to go to kindergarten next year. He is learning everything so fast that it amazes me. He may have been a late talker but he sure is making up for it now! I think that Jackson is more proficient on the computer than I am at this point. He has mastered the spelling and writing of his first name and we are working on the last name now. Beatrix came into our life at 1:48pm on October 23 this year. After an initial scare when she was born she is doing wonderful now. She has surgery on January 7, but it is only out-patient and it is at Children's Mercy which is excellent. After that she won't have a bum bum any longer and she will be perfect (not that she isn't already!) She is truly the most mellow, happy baby I have ever met. I have been blessed with both ends of the spectrum when it comes to my kids personalities, and I would not trade it for all the sushi in the world! Chris has officially started his business C. Sears and Co., something he has wanted for so long. In my opinion he is THE best remodeler/carpenter there is! I have decided to put my CNA to use while finishing up school and am getting ready to start work at the Atrium in Overland Park as well as some in home care. I am super close to finishing my first, serious piece of short fiction and will be submitting it to different (many) publications...so wish me luck on that! All in all 2008 was pretty good. With love and life around you, how can it really be that bad??? Good luck to everyone in the new year♥